Monday, June 13, 2011


STARMADA MEDIA is a multimedia company started by a few friends who eventually would like to make this their ..bread/butter/bacon-bringing home full time jobs. Yes, we are setting the bar high for ourselves but who wouldn't want to get to work with your best friends every day and make a living off of doing something you love? STARMADA MEDIA is a collaboration of the talents of Chris Gill, Matt Sundell, Neill Carroll and George Liberi..that when combined.. they form (no, not Captain Planet ya dingus) a multimedia Frankenstein that plans on terrorizing every city and town on the planet until we get trapped and burned in a windmill by pitchfork and torch brandishing villagers...what??? YES. To sum STARMADA MEDIA up.. we do film/photo/graphic design/web design and everything else that requires the right side of your brain. I want this blog to document us from the beginning so that we can look back and see our progress and hopefully be looking at it from the office in our 76 million dollar mansions thinking how cute and innocent we all once were having no idea how big we'd get. Maybe we set the bar a little too high..but I think as long as we can do this for a living we'll be perfectly happy. This blog will contain updates on projects, final products of projects we've fully completed, life stories and plenty of corny popsicle stick jokes that you'll either love or get pissed off at because they're that bad. Boom shock-a-lock-a!

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